Tools for Anxiety and Stress Reduction

Stressed and anxious, you say?

Are you kidding me?! 

Who isn't stressed and anxious these days?

I know that reading the headlines has certainly made me feel deeply unsettled in recent weeks and months. When that is multiplied by the normal stresses of daily life, it can sometimes feel like being pushed over the edge. 

That's why I am delighted to be offering my favorite tools for anxiety and stress reduction in an upcoming workshop this Friday, April 6th at 10 am Pacific. 

For an in-depth look at where the idea came from and what the headlines have to do with your stress levels (it may not be what you think!), watch this interview where Paul Zelizer of Awarepreneurs asks me what makes this online workshop special and unique. 


Register here for the upcoming Tools for Anxiety and Stress Reduction Online Workshop this Friday, April 6th at 10 am Pacific. Can't make it at that time? No worries. Registered participants will receive a copy of the recording and a detailed resources list 24 hours after the workshop.